Canada Blooms promoting this year six landscape designers that will focus specifically on gardening in a 10โ€™ x 6โ€™ space and taking varied growing conditions into account.

Martha Uniacke Breen from her article โ€œHereโ€™s how to grow some green on the balconyโ€ in the National Post tells us โ€œJust because you live in a condo doesnโ€™t mean you have to give up gardening. Whether you want to grow vegetables or your favourite flowers, create an outdoor room for specific functionsโ€ฆor just want to look out at something other than a bald concrete box, thereโ€™s a lot you can do to create your own private skybound oasis.โ€
- Martha Uniacke Breen, author of the article โ€œHereโ€™s how to grow some green on the balconyโ€ in the National Post

Martha spoke with Allan Kling of Urban Garden and Paul Zammit, Nancy Eaton director of horticulture at the Toronto Botanical Garden who had some suggestions for thinking about greening up your balcony.

โ€ข Consult your condo board so you know the rules about what you can and canโ€™t do.
โ€ข Consider how much time you are prepared to spend gardening and be realistic.
โ€ข What are the conditions โ€“ windy, cold, dry, sunny (for how long each day). Toronto is rated Zone 6 but higher up can be 3 or 4 (equivalent to Northern Alberta)
โ€ข Plant the space as a whole, not just the planters
โ€ข Choose the type and position of containers (remember the elements, and any weight restrictions โ€“ for the condo and you personally).
โ€ข Visit your local garden centre to discover what can be grown in your area.

SOURCE: Canada Blooms

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