Get ready for a nostalgic adventure in stunning 4K! The beloved animated series "The Raccoons" is making a triumphant return to screens everywhere, launching its official YouTube channel today, on National Raccoon Day. After years of passionate requests from its devoted fanbase, the wait is finally over!

This exclusive YouTube channel is the only location where fans will be able to see their beloved characters and special behind the scenes content in 4K. Longtime enthusiasts and new viewers alike can now immerse themselves in the magical world of the Evergreen Forest like never before. Bert, Ralph, Melissa, and all your favorite characters are back, their fur more vibrant and their antics more captivating than ever in crystal-clear 4K.

This isn't just a rerun – it's a reawakening of a classic, bringing the charm and wonder of "The Raccoons" to a whole new generation while giving dedicated fans the gift they've been clamoring for. To commemorate National Raccoon Day and the launch of The Raccoons new 4K YouTube channel, a brand new cover video of the iconic “Run with Us” Raccoons theme featuring young and talented Country-Rock singer-songwriter and actor, Sadie C. Grace from Nova Scotia will be featured on the highly anticipated YouTube channel. This fresh take on the much-loved tune bridges the gap between nostalgia and a new generation of viewers. A sample of the new cover can be viewed and listened to HERE and HERE.

"The Raccoons," which was originally produced from 1985 to 1992, has captivated audiences in over 180 countries with its storytelling, memorable, lovable and fun characters, subtle environmental messages, and unforgettable songs. The animated television series follows the day-to-day lives of three raccoons, Bert, Melissa, and Ralph, their friend Cedric the aardvark, and his father, Cyril Sneer, whose constant desire for fortune causes many conflicts in "The Evergreen Forest."

Key highlights of the YouTube channel launch include:

* Episodes, shorts and music videos, available for streaming in English (with more languages to follow), remastered in stunning 4K quality
* Content targeted at children, families, and "kidults" - adults who enjoy family-friendly animation
* A library of classic episodes that have entertained audiences for decades
* Exclusive behind the scenes content featuring the Raccoons creator, Kevin Gillis and friends, and of course - fan created content!

"As the creator of 'The Raccoons,' I'm thrilled that we're able to bring this beloved series to YouTube in amazing 4K detail," said Kevin Gillis. "The show has never been seen like this before - This platform allows us to reconnect with our loyal international fanbase while also introducing our iconic characters to a new generation of viewers who will appreciate the show's timeless themes of friendship, adventure, sustainability, climate change, and environmental awareness. Our goal is to fully satisfy the expectations of our world-wide dedicated fanbase with this new official channel."

While the YouTube channel primarily features classic episodes, fans can look forward to potential new content in the future. The series creators are currently exploring opportunities to produce new episodes, with discussions underway with potential distribution partners.

Viewers can subscribe to "The Raccoons" official YouTube channel at to stay updated on all the latest content and announcements.