JOBS Help Diversify Your Teaching Workforce

JOBS Help Diversify Your Teaching Workforce

Friday, 04 November 2022 12:00.PM

There has been increased calls for a more diverse Canadian teaching workforce for decades, but progress towards this has been slow. For 20 years the answer to diversifying the teaching workforce was to hire more male teachers. Today, the student population represents a wide range of backgrounds โ€“ including a mosaic of varied racial, cultural, gender, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Therefore, there is an immense need for a diverse workforce of educators that possess the ability to empathize and relate to students, parents, and the wider communities in which they teach.

It takes more than academic ability to thrive in an initial teacher preparation program and ultimately become a great teacher. Our recent blog post discusses how holistic review can help diversify the teaching workforce.

Altus Assessments' mission is to create a world served by exceptional professionals. One of the ways that we do this is through Casper, our unique open-response situational judgment test (SJT) that evaluates applicants' social intelligence and professionalism skills.

SOURCE: Altus Assessments Inc.

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