- Agreement Provides Stability to Support Student Achievement -

Ontario has reached a tentative agreement with the associations representing school boards and the associations representing principals and vice-principals on the employment terms and conditions for principals and vice-principals in publicly funded schools.

The memorandum of settlement is between the Ontario government, the associations representing principals and vice-principals (Ontario Principalsโ€™ Council, Catholic Principalsโ€™ Council of Ontario and Association des directions et directions adjointes des รฉcoles franco-ontariennes) and the four associations representing school boards (Ontario Public School Boardsโ€™ Association, Ontario Catholic School Trusteesโ€™ Association, Association franco-ontarienne des conseils scolaires catholiques and Association des conseils scolaires des รฉcoles publiques de l'Ontario). The term of the agreement is four years, applying to 2023 to 2027.

Ontarioโ€™s commitment to stability in the classroom ensures that students benefit from the government's back-to-basics agenda, which is focused on what matters most: boosting reading, writing and math skills in Ontario schools to prepare students for the careers of tomorrow.

Quick Facts

โ€ข There are approximately 8,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) principals and vice-principals across Ontario, and most are members of one of three voluntary associations.
โ€ข Principals and vice-principals in Ontario are not unionized.
โ€ข Over the next several weeks, all parties will be undergoing their separate approval processes with respect to the tentative settlement.
โ€ข Ontario has successfully reached central agreements with all 9 of its education labour partners, namely teacher federations and education workers.

SOURCE: Ontario Ministry of Education

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